Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Sometimes knowing too much will eventually kill you.


Lilyana said...

ignorance is bliss..apa yang kita tidak tahu itu kadang-kadang lebih baik sebenarnya.. sebab itulah mengapa Allah sentiasa kemudiankan hikmah dari-Nya..but some parts of life better kita tahu skrg daripada terlambat tau..karang menyesal..LOL =)

Valossa Vicious said...

Thanks. :)

fs said...

couldn't agree more.
but we like to dig things.we hurt ourselves.maybe it looks like we are in denial.but it's better not to know about it rather than know every single thing and let it disturbs u 24/7.yes,ignorance is bliss.it's a precaution,i should add.