Sunday, February 6, 2011


eh, saya suka semut
pasal semut itu beramai-ramai mengutip

biskut Oreo

yang pecah, retak, belah

yang saya malas sapu
dan tertumpah atas meja.


Hanis Manis said...

so this is one of the stupid things you just want to write down?

heee. suka.

. said...

tapi hari ni kan
orang x suka semut
sebab dia makan coklat toblerone yg org baru mkn suku
tamak semut ni

Valossa Vicious said...


Hehe. Thanks Hanis. Then I'll write more stupid things.


Padan muka. Hahaha.

Semut pun lapar.

fs said...

first few months, semut.
months afterwards, lipas.

then u make a movie entitle 'joe's room' = 'joe's apartment'